Real people
real ideas
real results.


It takes people from all walks of life to make big things happen. We need your ideas. Your hard work. Your commitment to a flourishing Grand Rapids. See how you can influence the movement.

Deep change begins with deep listening.

We set out to understand the dynamics of our city with an extensive body of research. The research concluded that opportunity results from one's ability to access a certain set of circumstances.


Kent County residents collected, analyzed, clustered and utilized to prioritize focus areas.


1 hour 1:1 stakeholder interviews with local residents and leaders across business, government, community and education sectors.


in-depth video interviews/diaries of residents’ responses to questions about their lives in our city including footage of day-to-day experiences.


1:1 conversations with neighbors and grassroots organizations to gain insights and feedback.


On the foundation of trusting relationships and this research, we're bringing people together across sectors to understand the landscape, build strategies and identify solutions.

Economic Vitality

Sense of Belonging

Fundamental Needs

Economic Vitality

Workforce Development

Build income by enhancing education and workforce skills to ensure readiness for the new economy. Create thriving companies and reduce barriers to joining them or advancing within them.
Economic Vitality

Business Ownership + Entrepreneurship

Mobilizing ideas and engaging principled leaders and networks to implement and scale entrepreneurial ventures and social innovation projects that increase economic mobility and wealth creation for the community.
Economic Vitality

Savings + Wealth

Provide all Kent County residents with the tools, resources, and knowledge to build generational wealth through multiple channels.
Sense of Belonging

Bias + Prejudice

Create an environment where everyone experiences equal respect, dignity and opportunity regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, sex, age or ability status.
Sense of Belonging

Stability + Social Cohesion

Ensure that all Kent County residents feel welcomed and accepted in the communities they live and participate in, and have access to the social capital to realize their full potential.
Sense of Belonging

Civic Engagement

Bolster civic engagement and participation from all community members.
Economic Vitality

Affordable Quality Housing

Meet basic needs and create conditions for building income by facilitating access to affordable, quality housing.
Economic Vitality

Educated & Skilled Population

Build income by enhancing education and workforce skills to ensure readiness for the new economy.
Job Opportunities + Career Advancement
Financial Inclusion, Education, Trust
Health of Private Sector
Affordability of 
Goods + Services
Quality Transport
Natural Environment
Capacity + Delivery
Healthy Families + 
Public Safety
Accessible + 
Affordable Food
Align + Design Team



Identify strategies + initiatives
We’re seeking work groups to survey the landscape, develop ideas to solve the gaps, and own initiatives moving forward.
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